Operations context menu

List of all pop-up items on the operations list.

Show documentation in browser

Will show information from the Wsdl or Api in your default browser


Will show a screen with detailed information about the selected operation

Edit script

Only on inbound operations.
Pops up the editor in which you can enter a script.
With inbound operations this is the script that is executed between receiving the request and sending the response.

Edit Before script

Only on outbound operations.
Pops up the editor in which you can enter the before-script.
This script is executed just before sending a request.

Edit After script

Only on outbound operations.
Pops up the editor in which you can enter an after-script.
This script is executed immeditaly after receiving a response.

To address...

Only on outbound operations.
Pops-up a form to specify the endpoint of the operation.

Delay response

Only on inbound operations.
Pops-up a form to specify 'bad' performance. You specify extra delay-time here.

WS Addressing...

Only on outbound operations and only relevant for Soap/Xml.
Specify details for webservice-addressing.


Allows to change the name for an operation.
apiUi shows operations in alphabetical order. After introspecting more than one api-s or wsdl-s operations may be harder to find. By changing the display-name you can make life a little easier.
Note: apiUi does not reorder the operations-list immediately after changing a name. To see the ordered list you have to refresh first.
Warning: Changing the display-name of an operation has impact on scripts so change this name before you edit any scripts.


See Operation options

Hide all

Sometimes the list of operatios can become long since a single description-file can describe more operations. If you are only working with a small subset of all the operations you may want to hide operations. Sometimes the fastest way is to first hide all operations and thereafter unhide the operations you need to work with.


Sometimes the list of operatios can become long since a single description-file can describe more operations. To shorten the list you can hide operations.

Unhide all

Unhides all operations currently hidden.


Unhides an individual operation.


After changing aliasses, the order of this list may not be alphabetical. Refresh to get an ordered list again.


Shows this page from apiUi. Might be the way you got here...